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2013-07-13 17.54.31I must admit I have always loved okra. I don’t have a clue why many other people don’t. I like it fried and in Gumbo. Awhile back I ate at a restaurant that had sauteed okra and this is super close. It is not slimy and it’s so yummy.

  • 1/2 lb of okra (give or take0
  • Juice of 1/4 large, juicy lemon or the juice from a smaller lemon
  • 1 T. olive oil
  • 1 clove garlic minced (I love garlic, I used about 4 cloves)
  1. Chop the okra into small pieces. This step is totally optional – the restaurant 2013-07-13 17.30.09where I had it didn’t do so, but I wanted it this way.
  2. Mince the garlic – I used a garlic press.
  3. Put the okra in a bowl.
  4. Put the garlic on the okra.
  5. Squeeze the lemon juice onto the okra and garlic and mix.
  6. Marinate awhile. This step can also be skipped if you’re in a hurry, but I marinate my okra most of the afternoon.
  7. Put olive oil in pan. Add okra mixture. Cook until it is beginning to brown.